What to consider if you are interested in a secondhand PANArt sound sculpture
Categories: News, Repairs Author: PANArt

- We recommend to refrain from online purchases!
On sales platforms one encounters many dubious, even fraudulent offers. Tuned or converted instruments are offered at horrendous prices. The sound presentations must be enjoyed with the utmost caution.
- Do not buy a PANArt sound sculpture that has not been previously controlled by PANArt tuners.
Each sound sculpture bears the personal signature of the builder. He knows best how to restore the correct tension and dynamics. He knows his material (in our case non-metallic Pang® Composite) and knows how to handle it.
- We recommend not to buy a PANArt Hang built before 2008.
The reasons are as follows: Each tuner is looking for his own raw material to create his own sound bodies. PANArt tuners have refined their raw material in intensive research and were able to patent it in 2008 as composite PANG. The PANArt sound sculptures of the first eight years (1999-2007) have undergone a natural aging process. The shaping required for the tuning are too time-consuming and risky. The work of the tuner, the tuning of the resonating bodies, is a work in progress. He develops his tuning art further and cannot go back, because his art is an art of daily practice with a view to the future. These older Hang instruments were sold at prices between 300 and 800 euros. Adequately played instruments of the PANArt don't go out of tune. So many are still in careful hands and are played and not offered as collector's or speculation objects.
- Don't let the appearance dazzle you.
A good instrument is something you like to take in your hands every day. A bad one is quickly exhausted. With our instruments, the most important quality aspect lies in the material. Its processing is decisive for the impulse power of the sounds. This can be seen in its appearance - its construction leaves its mark.
- Don't pay excessive prices!
All sound sculptures of PANArt since 2008 are under a non-speculation agreement and should not be passed on at higher prices than the original selling price.
PANArt will be happy to help you with any uncertainties and questions about conditions.
- Inform yourself about the current status of developments in art of sound sculpture building.
Tuners continue to learn every day, they are at a Work in Progress. PANArt tuners build instruments which they play themselves and thus refine, reassess and change again and again.
- Write a short mail or a letter to PANArt.
You will receive more information immediately. Care should be taken: In the internet there is a lot of wrong information buzzing around!
PANArt builds the following instruments:
Complex sound sculptures:
Percussion instruments available online: