Christopher Baron - "The Mirror Effect"
Category: Articles Author: PANArt 16th June 2021

„The Mirror Effect“
A Dissertation written by Christopher Baron (M.A. Music Therapy)
University West of England, Bristol 07/10/2020
In this dissertation Christopher Baron, a formed music therapist, goes deep into the effects that music produced with the PANArt Hang®-Family Instruments on musicians. After a short historical introduction he leads us over to different aspects connected to this instrument. The term „musician“ here has to be seen from the perspective of music therapy. It is not merely a person that has undergone academic formation in music (i.e. music school, notation, solfeggio, score reading and so on) but in this case it is intended as quite every person that gets in touch with music making, following the call of the cited „innated musicianship“ wich is without doubt part of every human being. The PANArt Hang®-Family instruments, through their immediate access, ease of play and the complete lack of „right“ or „wrong“ donates every person a very personal and invidivual way to access their own inner music, their own inner pulse. A lot of people have suffered from music education, indeed music education as a stiff, time- and energy-consuming task has contributed to many people completely losing “their music” and turning away from making music altogether. The PANArt Hang instruments have given people back the freedom to find direct access to their inner music again, without having to submit to the constraints of academically influenced music, which is always associated with performance and judgement.
Through the direct connection to one’s own, inner and individual music, it is possible to bring the inner world of feelings and sensations to the outside, to make it audible. The PANArt-Hang instruments thus become a medium between inside and outside and help people to make their own emotional world audible and to understand themselves better, a mirror in which one can see oneself as a being: the mirror effect.
Christopher Baron illuminates and documents this mirror effect using scientifically recognised methods and thus offers an interesting approach to better understand the PANArt-Hang® instruments and their effects on the human body and mind.
- Dietmar Elsler, June 2021